Platinum Package
USD $75,000
- Number of Guests: 10
- Opportunity to Address Guests and Pitch
- Participation in Panel Discussion
- Dedicated VIP Roundtable (based on stakeholders)
- Dedicated Table at Gala Dinner
- Brand Coverage on Promotional Material
- Heading on Award Category
- Dedicated Lounge Area (Size L)
- Access to All Side Events
- Dedicated Chauffeur Service
- Access to VIP Lounge (Majlis)
Gold Package
USD $50,000
- Number of Guests: 5
- Opportunity to Address Guests and Pitch
- Participation in Panel Discussion
- Dedicated VIP Roundtable
- Dedicated Table at Gala Dinner
- Brand Coverage on Promotional Material
- Dedicated Lounge Area (Size M)
- Access to All Side Events
- Dedicated Chauffeur Service
- Access to VIP Lounge (Majlis)
Silver Package
USD $30,000
- Number of Guests: 3
- Participation in Panel Discussion
- Dedicated Table at Gala Dinner
- Brand Coverage on Promotional Material
- Dedicated Lounge Area (Size S)
- Dedicated Chauffeur Service